A Somali Soldier assigned to the 3rd DANAB maintains a watchful eye during a short security halt a on patrol near the town of Wanla Weyn, Somalia, July 22, 2019. The DANAB are a highly trained Somali National Army infantry commando force, named after the Somali word for lightning.
By Petty Officer 1st Class Patrick , Naval Special Warfare Group TWOSomaliaSep 03, 2020
AFRICOM Commander Visits Somalia to Strengthen Partnership
"U.S. Africa Command is dedicated to working with Somalia in the realm of security and defense so that they can advance political and economic stability, prevent terrorism, and address humanitarian crises.”
AFRICOM Commander Visits Somalia to Strengthen Partnership
"U.S. Africa Command is dedicated to working with Somalia in the realm of security and defense so that they can advance political and economic stability, prevent terrorism, and address humanitarian crises.”
AFRICOM Commander Visits Somalia to Strengthen Partnership
"U.S. Africa Command is dedicated to working with Somalia in the realm of security and defense so that they can advance political and economic stability, prevent terrorism, and address humanitarian crises.”