Press Releases

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Press Release

Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. strike al-Shabaab compound

5:50 PM12/24/2020
In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted one (1) airstrike targeting an al-Shabaab compound in the vicinity of Saakow, Somalia, on Dec. 24, 2020.
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Press Release

USS Makin Island ARG/15th MEU arrives off Somali coast

11:55 AM12/22/2020
The Makin Island Amphibious Ready Group and embarked 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit arrived off the coast of Somalia as part of the Joint Forces Maritime Component Command for Joint Task Force - Quartz, Dec. 21.
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Press Release

Statement from AFRICOM Commander U.S. Army Gen. Stephen Townsend on the activation of Joint Task Force - Quartz

3:04 PM12/19/2020
The United States is not withdrawing or disengaging from East Africa. We remain committed to helping our African partners build a more secure future. We also remain capable of striking Al-Shabaab at the time and place of our choosing—they should not test us.
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Press Release

U.S. Africa Command stands up Joint Task Force-Quartz

9:28 AM12/19/2020
U.S. Africa Command Commander, U.S. Army Gen. Stephen Townsend directed the formation of Joint Task Force- Quartz to oversee Operation Octave Quartz, a mission designated to reposition forces from Somalia.
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Press Release

Commander visits key African nations to strengthen partnerships, security

12:24 PM12/17/2020
U.S. Army Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander, U.S. Africa Command, completed a four-day trip to Kenya and Djibouti to conduct strategic engagements with partner nation leadership and assess operations and security of U.S. force locations.
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Press Release

U.S. Africa Command releases video from Dec. 10 airstrike to degrade al-Shabaab

3:23 PM12/11/2020
U.S. Africa Command has released airstrike video highlighting the impact of the airstrikes conducted on Dec. 10, 2020, that killed eight (8) al-Shabaab explosives experts in the vicinity of Jilib, Somalia.
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Press Release

Le gouvernement fédéral de la Somalie et les États-Unis ciblent les fabricants d'explosifs d'Al-Shabaab

3:06 PM12/10/2020
En coordination avec le gouvernement fédéral de la Somalie, le Commandement américain pour l'Afrique a mené deux(2) frappes aériennes visant des experts en explosifs d'al-Shabaab dans les environs de Jilib, en Somalie, le 10 décembre.
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Press Release

Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. target al-Shabaab explosives makers

1:50 PM12/10/2020
In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted two (2) airstrikes targeting al-Shabaab explosives experts in the vicinity of Jilib, Somalia, on Dec. 10, 2020.
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Press Release

Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Mareykanka ayaa bartilmaameedsada al-Shabaab soo saara waxyaabaha qarxa

12:00 AM12/10/2020
Iyadoo lala kaashanayo Dowladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya, Taliska Mareykanka ee Afrika wuxuu fuliyay labo (2) weerar cirka ah oo lagu bartilmaameedsanayay khubarada al-Shabaab ee ku xeel dheer qaraxyada agagaarka Jilib, Soomaaliya, Dec. 10.
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Press Release

CAR Minister of Defense and AFRICOM Deputy Commander for Civil-Military Engagement Praise Strengthened U.S.-CAR Military Ties

1:13 PM12/4/2020
Ambassador Andrew Young, U.S. Africa Command’s deputy commander for civil-military engagement, spoke with the Central African Republic’s Minister of Defense Marie-Noelle Koyara last week.
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Press Release

AFRICOM commander travels to East Africa

5:00 PM11/27/2020
U.S. Army Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander of U.S. Africa Command, was joined by acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller on a multi-day trip Nov. 25-27 to Djibouti and Somalia.
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Press Release

AFRICOM commander meets with Djiboutian Foreign Minister

1:48 PM11/27/2020
U.S. Army Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander, U.S. Africa Command met with Djiboutian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf Nov. 26.
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Press Release

USS Hershel “Woody” Williams and Tunisian Navy Exercise Maritime Security Capabilities

4:21 PM11/23/2020
USS Hershel "Woody" Williams (ESB 4) and Tunisian Navy partners conducted joint maritime operations to enhance maritime security, critical lifesaving capabilities, force readiness, and Tunisia's ability to protect its maritime borders, November 23-24.
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Press Release

U.S. Army Europe and Africa Commands consolidate

1:03 PM11/23/2020
The consolidation of these two Army service component commands under one four-star commander will play a vital role in supporting missions across two interconnected theaters of operation.
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Press Release

AFRICOM commander visits Niger, Chad, Mali, and Senegal

4:36 PM11/19/2020
U.S. Army Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander, U.S. Africa command travelled to West Africa Nov. 15-19 to discuss security issues across the region. Townsend met leaders and chiefs of defense in Niger, Chad, Mali, and Senegal.
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Press Release

U.S. Army, Marine forces conduct response exercise in N. Africa

5:42 PM11/12/2020
This was the first full dress rehearsal for the Army-led North and West Africa Response Force since taking over for the Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Africa in early October.
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Press Release

Qiimaynta Khasaaraha Rayiidka ee Taliska Mareykanka Afrika ee Rubacii Afraad

2:37 PM11/10/2020
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Press Release

تقرير أفريكوم لتقييم الخسائر المدنية للربع الرابع

3:48 PM11/6/2020
في الربع الأخير من العام كجزء من التزام القيادة بتحسين الشفافية والمساءلة في تقييمنا والإبلاغ عن مزاعم الضحايا المدنيين. هذا هو التقرير الثالث لتقييم الخسائر المدنية منذ أن بدأت قيادة أفريكوم في إصدار تقارير ربع سنوية في أبريل 2020.
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Press Release

Rapport d'évaluation des pertes civiles du quatrième trimestre du Commandement des États-Unis pour l'Afrique

3:46 PM11/6/2020
Le Commandement Américain pour l'Afrique a achevé son évaluation des victimes civiles du quatrième trimestre dans le cadre de l'engagement du commandement à améliorer la transparence et la responsabilité dans notre évaluation et la communication des allégations de victimes civiles. Il s'agit du troisième rapport d'évaluation des victimes civiles depuis que le Commandement des États-Unis pour l'Afrique (USAFRICOM) a commencé à publier des rapports trimestriels en avril 2020.
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Press Release

U.S. Africa Command Civilian Casualty Assessment Quarterly Report; 4th Quarter, 2020

3:15 PM11/6/2020
U.S. Africa Command has completed its fourth quarter civilian casualty assessment ending Sept. 30, 2020, as part of the command’s commitment to improving transparency and accountability in our assessment and reporting of civilian casualty allegations.
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